oh joy.
I am not going to attack it, but I am going to let you know what I believe ... because, this month (& semester) at Auburn University ... we are celebrating 200 years of Darwin.
and it just so happens that I am taking a Systematic Botany course ... in which, evolution, is the foundation of this course ... apparently (whether it really is or isn't), because during the second day of class, my professors starts to, as it were, preach evolution to us, quoting an old school botanist, Dobzhansky (whoever that is?), stating, “nothing in biology makes sense, except in the light of evolution” ... which is basically like a statement of faith ... or in this case, of simple belief ... in something that's not really explainable, yet is based on facts ... unexplainable (and i believe unjustifiable) facts.
you may think, well Christianity, & the belief in a God, comprised of three individuals being yet still One in the same person, is a belief system not explainable, but that is reconciled in several ways:
1) personal testimony of God's providence in one's life, which in my mind is a firmly founded argument
2) its faith based - I don't need facts, or signs, or wonders, just knowing & experiencing (see #1) a God who loves me and desires intimacy is enough
but, an evolutionist, would argue the facts of evolution are sound and sure. but they are not. even the expert evolutionists don't know the origin of existence, and claim that the "design" observed in the world (note the word, design) - from cells, to organisms, to universal order ... is an evolutionary design, not a God design ... Really?
but at the core of all of it ... why people get hostile, is that its not so much as a scientific argument, as it is a worldview difference ...
Christians hold that the Lord, God Almighty, is Creator and actually did create the world, some will hold to different lengths of time during the "7 days" of creation ... amongst other variations, but all Christians hold to creationism (or so I believe).
while Evolutionists and other science community members who hold to evolution, cannot fathom a world created, as we know it, by a higher being - most often considered to be the God of the Bible they are arguing against.
they would argue that "intelligent design" is an attack on evolution by Christians. when in reality, it is not. I will give them that some make it that, and that's stupid, if any progress in allowing ID to be considered in the scientific community is desired. but, if approached and considered by an actual scientific community member, it is from the standpoint that it is actually a possibly, because evolution just does not answer the question, How did the world begin? - it cant, it doesn't. and therefore, b/c science is about expanding knowledge, addressing, and asking question that address anything that may prove to be more than a passing thought .... then by definition, science should probe at such inquiries ... without reaction, other than support ... but the again, Galileo was hated for his theories too!
if you are interested in knowing more about evolution and intelligent design, go watch Ben Stein's Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed documentary.