care more than some think is wise; risk more than some think is safe;
dream more than some think is practical; expect more than some think is possible


one man ... not two!

I always think - or rather often - that there lives inside of me, two men.

I say that, but I don't have multiple personalities, I just a Spirit Adam and Flesh Adam. Spirit Adam is willing and fervently desirous of serving the Lord with all that makes him who he is ... namely, Christ crucified and life in Him. Flesh Adam just straight up sucks. I actually cant stand him, he doesn't keep cool when patience run low, he doesn't hold his tongue when he knows he should, he cant even go a day without diverting the Spirit Adam away from pursuing the Lord ... he is in crappy condition.

the Spirit Adam always wishes to influence and change the Flesh Adam for the better, to look like Jesus, but the Flesh Adam usually slays that desire of the Spirit Adam by some sly lie. he is unspeakably deceitful!

the good news is that the Spirit Adam has a great Ally! whom is the great Ally you ask? its Jesus, the Great I Am, the Ancient of Days, the Lord of Lords, and King of Kings, the One who was, and is, and is to be! this is the best news ever!, b/c the Flesh Adam has nothing, not even an ounce on Jesus... its simple, He is the Greatest, not the greatest x, y, or z ... He is just the Greatest and therefore Flesh Adam stands no chance, and one day he will be totally slain, dead and defeated, for Spirit Adam to revel in the great vastness of Jesus' holiness and might ... that's gonna be a good day, to say the very least!


  1. i agree. flesh flesh flesh. ugh.

    that will be the day! spirits will prevail.
