care more than some think is wise; risk more than some think is safe;
dream more than some think is practical; expect more than some think is possible


Traditions & Lies

I became aware, earlier last night, that all this talk I am doing about discipline is not as important as i thought. Or is it? See, I have been reading through the gospel of Mark, and coming to chapter 7, Jesus is addressing the Pharisees, namely calling them out as the hypocrites they were ... and I ask, might I be a hypocrite too? But that is for another time.

I began thinking that as Jesus condemned the Pharisees for all the 'traditions of men' that they were so good at keeping, that maybe some of these areas in my life that I want to practice more discipline in were, well  ... simply nothing but "traditions" I was imposing on my own life to be more spiritual, and subsequently replacing the 'commandment of God, and holding to the tradition of men' ... ?

Could it be? Could I be so blind? Oh how I thought - I am sure - I began pursuing this because of the Lord's direction. How can I be so misguided?

Yet, in a moment of great grace this morning, as I began to pursue the Lord in prayer & in reading, I had my thought process on this issue redirected toward the Lord. You see, it occurred to me (by the Holy Spirit guiding me), that maybe, just maybe the enemy doesn't want me practicing any disciplines that will help me to be overall, more disciplined? Is that possible?

I would beg to say YES, and ABSOLUTELY.

I have not decided with certainty which way the Lord is directing me on this issue, but I am expecting to know sometime today, and I trust the Lord will reveal with his heavenly wisdom if I am pursuing some worthless 'tradition' that I just self-imposed, or if this over-arching theme of discipline is a worthy pursuit, which will prove beneficial in how I walk, serve and fellowship with the Lord, in how I conduct myself & use the 24 hours given to me in a day, and how I use my life to glorify the Lord.

I praise my Lord, my Savior, Jesus, the Christ, for wisdom and for speaking to me today. I rejoice in knowing that the answer and outcome is sure and certain. Now I wait with great anticipation to see how the Lord is going to work in me, today! 

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