care more than some think is wise; risk more than some think is safe;
dream more than some think is practical; expect more than some think is possible


a hard grace ...

today has been challenging to say the least ... and very sad. its been a day where simply due the pain some of my friends are feeling, that I am hurting as well ... and sorrowful with them.

today I got the news that the fathers of two of my friends have died within the last few days.

one was very unexpected and shocking, devastating and heart wrenchingly sad ... my heart goes out to them. he left behind his wife and two sons.

the other family lost their father and husband to a valiant fight with cancer. he died like a saint should die, he died a death that completely glorified God. this father passed before his wife, son and daughter. this one I feel had to be seen coming ... but that doesn't make it easy. 

but both of my friends in these two families are pushing on and trusting God like champs ... in ways I don't know if I could, if I ever faced their current situations ... I pray I never have to face that loss!

but in the sadness and empty place in their hearts, both of them know full and well that God is supremely in control and gracious with peace, comfort and rest, full of mercy and unparalleled love ... i hurt for their hurt.

1 comment:

  1. greetings in the name of lord jesus christ.for more details visit
