care more than some think is wise; risk more than some think is safe;
dream more than some think is practical; expect more than some think is possible


Fully Remodeled ...

So it has finally happened. Had you asked me some time ago, I would have said,"No never, it just won't, it cant' happen." Well, it has.

My chest's remodeling is now complete. It began with the insertion of medical hardware, some software in the form of two new lungs, and the insertion of a metal cable accompanying the lungs.

The first step toward a complete restoration was the lungs, the most major and important aspect! The second step was the removal of that damn metal wire from my chest. It hurt, and protruded some, it was ugly and noticeable too! NOW, for the gran' finale ... the removal of the last piece of medical hardware ... the port! The IV Port ... its gone, hasta la vista bebe! Peace consuela! No mas!

Now my chest is as new as a new born baby's chest ... just not so small, or smooth, plus 5 scars, and about 500 staple scars, but other than all that, its just like a baby's chest!