care more than some think is wise; risk more than some think is safe;
dream more than some think is practical; expect more than some think is possible



am I only imagining it?
have my eyes lied, and heart deceived?
is it a dream, maybe a nightmare?!

was there no glimpse, no smirk, no look?
were your eyes not speaking, penetrating my heart?
what was that moment, an instant fleeting?

did we connect, or is it my imagination?
did we not exchange smiles, hopes, and feelings?
what was the unspoken connection; deeper, more true than words?

was it only so short, so fleeting?
did you slip through my grasp?
was it never meant to be?

the words exist,
trapped in my lips,
my heart breaks to speak,
to reconnect to you!

is there a chance,
in all of space and time?
will there ever be an us?

your eyes are pure,
smile so bright;
filling thoughts by day,
dreams by night.


  1. I don't check your blog for like 4 days and it takes me 30 minutes to catch up.... PAHAAA. :)
    and deep thoughts. I like it!

    p.s. come to birmingham.

  2. well, i have had a lot things to think about lately ... actually I always feel like I do, some of them, just have to remian as thoughts ... PAHAAA
