care more than some think is wise; risk more than some think is safe;
dream more than some think is practical; expect more than some think is possible


You shouldn'y smoke ... and YOU KNOW IT!!!

So, today - tonight - I  just sat down (again) to work on my thesis and not but within a minute some guy came up and shook my hand, starting to talk up a storm ... and all I could do was stop him in his tracks to ask who he was. I felt bad, but not too bad since I didn't have a clue who he was, with exception to a vague memory of his face.

Dwayne. Super nice guy. Turns out Dwayne didn't remember my name either, so it all worked out fine.

Anyway, we picked up our conversation and he went on to inform me, that after a superbly brief conversation between Mr Bill (owner of Daylight), Dwayne and myself at the end of July... in which the topic of my transplant came up ... He QUIT SMOKING that week. This was a little over a month ago. He said he hasn't touched one since!!! And you must understand, our conversation was brief ... if I remember correctly, I was passing along my good-byes to Mr Bill and in between we had our short conversation, as I was walking out the door. Something hit Dwayne in that multi-minute conversation, that inspired him to quit smoking!!!

HOW AMAZING IS THAT!!! I COULD HARDLY BELIEVE MY EARS!!! I wish every time I came across a smoker, and had the chance to share my story with them that it inspired them to QUIT SMOKING!

I am so excited. He even mentioned to me, "Man, it inspired me, made me thankful for what I got." ... All I could say was right on.

Now, I ask, does He know Jesus?!

Time will tell.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Adam,

    I just came across your blog!! I have added you to my list. Great story. If only every conversation we have with someone could make a difference! Wow! Encouragement. Hope all is well. Tell your sweet family The Bobos say hello.

    Caroline :)
