But today, is about being a different kind of fool ... a fool for chocolate!!! 'Cause I don't know about you, but I love and always have loved chocolate, a lot! Furthermore, I will unashamedly admit, I love chocolate as much as a woman may, as if I were a chocoholic!!! I am unashamedly in love with this most delectable of treats.
A few minutes ago, I received the following email:
Subject: "5 Minute Personal Chocolate Cake" ... being hooked immediately!!!

The recipe:
- 4 tbs flour
- 4 tbs sugar
- 2 tbs cocoa
- 1 egg
- 3 tbs milk
- 3 tbs oil
- 3 tbs chocolate chips - **note: original recipe calls for this to be 'optional' in this revised version this ingredient is mandatory.**
- Small splash of vanilla extract
**Cake pictured above is not cake described in recipe**
- Add dry ingrients into a coffee mug, mixing well
- Pour in milk and oil, mix well
- Add chocolate chips and vanilla, mix well
- Place mug in microwave, zap on high for 3 minutes (1000 watts or higher)
- Allow to cool, dump onto plate, adding vanilla ice cream
- Eat (recipe can serve two, if you want to fill slightly more virtuous) - Nope, not gonna happen!!!
YAY for chocolate!!