I am speechless. Sure, it is awesome quote, in fact it is mind-blowingly awesome, but in a makes my heart of hearts cringe kind of way! So true, it is so true and so good ... it inspires me want to throw off all the crap in my life, to go do something, to take action against whatever it is in that quote that resonates within me, against the world's influence over me. I believe statements of this sort should/do resonate in a believer's heart, echoing to each of us that if we will dive headlong in pursuit, with complete reckless abandon to passionately and intimately love Christ, to seek him and only him, to desire to please Him (ahem, not others!)!!! And THEN, like Kevin says, "We will be in God's will" and wondrous things happen when that is the case ... like two sinners can get married and live in love and in covenant with each other for their entire earthly lives, like glorifying God by commuting daily to a secular job - that is ordinary ... or whatever the "it" is that we might go out and do.
I can hardly describe what I am feeling after having read this. It stirs up so much, that I can barely quantify with words ... Its just that, So if you cant tell, I am super fired up. I hate passivity, but so often I find myself giving in ... in the little things, & thats where - maybe - it matters most!!! It makes me want to scream!, like the best thing to get out what I can't say with words would to be to go outside and scream for a little while
It has stirred up feelings of passion against what the world shoves at me every day, everything that is so opposite of what God is about! I don't want to be opposite of God ... I want to be opposite of comfort, ease, passivity, being nice (as oppose to truthful).
These feelings of upheaval against the world's gospel (comfort, ease, passivity) - coincide very closely with my own personal opinions and feelings about the "American Dream" and the vastly misguided sense of worth we have fully subscribed to. We have become whores to wealth, temporal happiness in material possessions, and value mindless entertainment & entertainers over those who lay their lives on the line day in day out, ie: Police officers, Firemen, our Soldiers (currently deployed all around the world).
Take for instance: Tonight on the news - and this will vary depending on what news you watch - but what did you hear more about: all this worthless hoopla about John and Kate getting a divorce or the monstrosities and massive death counts piling up in Iran, atrocities committed by the ruling government?
NYT headline read: 'Jon & Kate' Split-Up Draws Record Breaking Audience

Now, I ask, which matters more? Which is worthy of our concern and prayer? ... I rest my case.
p.s. - I hate divorce. Its awful, it cheats love of its true worth, and robs God of the glory he receives when a godly man and woman are married ... reflecting to each other and all those who are watching them throughout life, God's covenant love he graces us with in Christ.
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