care more than some think is wise; risk more than some think is safe;
dream more than some think is practical; expect more than some think is possible


You know that segment they sometimes do on SNL Weekend Update, "REALLY???" Where rhetorical questions are asked and answered by screaming, "REALLY?" Well, that’s how I feel right about now.

The following are some interesting headlines as of lately:

  • Swine Flu Outbreak: Health officials: Swine flu may be at pandemic level soon, but not as severe a strain as feared (Yahoo News)
  • World Health Organization Raises Swine Flu Alert Level (NY Times)
  • CDC Readies Swine Flu Vaccine (NY Times)
  • Flu Panic Drives ER Visits (FoxNews)
  • Swine flu deaths ebb but virus still spreads (MSNBC)

So, you obviously realize this is all about Influezna A (H1N1) Swine Death Sentence Flu, or what I have come to determine as the largest, over reaction ... well, to be safe, I will stick to claiming ever!! (Emphasis added by me).

Consider these sobering facts:

  • Each year nearly 36,000 people die from Influenza A or B
  • Each year 250,000 - 500,000 people die world wide from the flu

Lastly, I just would to take a short moment to consider the true pandemic of 1918, right after the Great War:

"The influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 killed more people than the Great War, known today as World War I (WWI), at somewhere between 20 and 40 million people. It has been cited as the most devastating epidemic in recorded world history. More people died of influenza in a single year than in four-years of the Black Death Bubonic Plague from 1347 to 1351. Known as "Spanish Flu" or "La Grippe" the influenza of 1918-1919 was a global disaster." (

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