care more than some think is wise; risk more than some think is safe;
dream more than some think is practical; expect more than some think is possible


my good friend ...

So one of my peers, is a 55-ish year old man ... He is hilarious and has a great outlook on life... having said that, he started his masters nearly a year ago (last summer), a semester ahead of me ... and instinctively he and I pick on each other a lot.

For instance ... he walked by one day a while back, saw the title of my blog (adopted bastards) and he made some corny old man joke, but it was funny ... something about me being a bastard ... you know, thats the kind of pickin' we do.

And often, I along with others of my peers will refer to Albert as the "dirty ol' man" ... and many men his age are referred to as this, as it comes with the age ... and especially for Albert, since he is the age of our professors.

So today, something came up about him being a dirty ol' man ... I then proceeded to jump in and say, "Well I looked the phrase up on Wikipedia, and it had your picture next to it, saying you were the original dirty OLD man...  Then Albert being wise and old, had the quickest and best, but rather disturbing come back ever ... he went on to say ...

I don't care about being the oldest ... I just want to be the DIRTIEST .... ! 

Oh, it was funny... and gross ... and would be funnier if you knew him ... it was an insta-classic!

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