If by 'cool' its assumed they make people laugh, after the victim is determined to be fine, then yes, they're awesome! The only reaction from people is, "Are you OK?!" - "Yeah, I'm fine." - (Then laughing ... ) "That was awesome! Haha! I mean, do I need to call for help?" ... If that is cool, then I am the epitome of cool at this very moment!
Basically what happened is this:
I was riding to go settle some loose ends for grad school, zippin' around campus on my mountain bike, and enjoying the wind in my face. Then, there's this large hill I was cruisin' down toward my final destination, and I let the break go as always, simply swaying my weight to and fro to weave around innocent pedestrians. They all get a little frightened, even though they only notice me right as I pass them. Anyway, I continued and came around a small corner to see where I would come to a stop ... I just didn't assume I would stop this time by being laid out flat on the cement! See, the end of this little stretch of sidewalk use to be just a steep slope down to one of the main walkways through campus, affectionately referred to as The Concourse.
I admit, its been about a year since I have been to this particular part of campus, which by the way, I don't mind avoiding! And apparently, Auburn just assumes it can make changes to their sidewalks and no one will be hurt. Well, lets just say I only got acquainted with the new step in the sidewalk after I figured out why I was laid flat out on my back with alarms of shooting pain randomly spread over my body, while my bike was still in between my legs ... that is in a very awkward, tangled manner, still between my legs! That's right, BIKE WRECK! You really gotta love them. They are beneficial for many things: building humility, building tougher skin (literally), aiding in the confrontation of one's own pride, providing a laugh for on-lookers, amongst other good things.
Well, what happen is that I went for more of a ride than I bargained for, as I went over the handle bars. You see, as I said I was standing up as I cruised quickly down hill ... I would argue I was pullin' 18-20 mph!. My weight was already towards the front of my bike, so as my bike and I went over the edge of that new step in the sidewalk, I weight shifted even more forward! I remembering seeing two things: my front tire, and the cement I was flying over, literally flying! The step was a good 15 feet from where I came to rest. And amidst seeing my bike tire, I apparently managed to rest my chin upon it for a very brief minute, because the underside of my chin is raw, very raw and oozy! And that slight injury I just find to be very bizarre, like how my chin and not my face?
The bulk of the fall I took to my right shoulder. My shirt didn't rip, but is also no longer white up there on my shoulder, and beneath that is just some ripe strawberry patches. But the thing I am most grateful for is that my head - as of now - is fine! It bounced after my shoulder hit, cause I vividly remember the sharp shooting pain of it bouncing on the brick walkway (by this time the concrete beneath me had changed to brick pavers).
All in all, I would say the score right now between Auburn University pavement/walkways vs. Adam is 2-0. I am loosing. But is four years to have only had two decent wipeouts, I would say that's pretty dang good. I am still loosing, but my records stands as good in my own opinion.
I would also be guilty of not giving the Lord the glory he deserves if I do not mention how he protected me ... I mean, I hit my head and was wearing no helmet, and I walked away. It could have been so much more severe. There was also a brick wall on either side of the walkway, and I managed to some how fly/slide right on through ... ooh, if I had hit my head on one of those!

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