care more than some think is wise; risk more than some think is safe;
dream more than some think is practical; expect more than some think is possible




  1. Ladies. Don't wear shorts so short that you pockets hang out ... its not classy, its not attractive.
  2. Most people in the world cannot drive, especially people (students) in Auburn.


  1. "The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion or ethnic background, is that we all believe we are above-average drivers." -Dave Barry

  2. yes...and how about blouses showing too much cleavage...when we have the SPIRIT of GOD abiding in us, that kind of "stuff" (as marketed on TV and movies) just doesn't fit us anymore as children of GOD.

    Your "recklessly abandoned" caught my eye as i was browsing "next blog." That's part of my life theme...being abandoned to CHRIST. It's also like "carefully careless." Did you get this from Oswald Chambers?

  3. rln,

    I actually did not get the "recklessly abandoned" theme fro oswald. I am familiar with oswald, but not his carefully careless ... although, I now plan on looking this up to know what you are talking about ... as for you comment about blouses ... absolutely. speaking for Christian men ... its not easy ... so we need help from the daughters of God. Thanks for your input
