care more than some think is wise; risk more than some think is safe;
dream more than some think is practical; expect more than some think is possible


experimental foods ...

i think if you know me, you know i love food ... a lot

you may not know, however, that i like to attempt to cook ... occassionally succeedding, but i am not in any way similarly skilled as mark is,  his skill level in cooking far exceeds most people in general, not just kids or college students...

but, i do like to try new things, and tonight, i took a chance at grilling sweet potato fries ... or slices or whatever, but they are good. a little olive oil (always), a dash of salt and a shake of pepper, and a couple of scoops of brown sugar! oh how tasty and delicious ... i threw them on my grill (low) for somewhere near 8 or 10 mintures, flipping once or twice ... just be careful not over cooking ... mine were done when grill marks started appearing, if they are really black, they will taste black  and burnt ... also my slices were pretty skinny, but not shaved


  1. a dash of salt and a shake of pepper. haha. i like it. they look delightful. i want some now. great. good touch w the christmas tree :)

  2. yeah, awesome thing is ... i was puttin some crap in my attic for storage, and looked to my left and what did i see, an old christmass tree (with lights) lying there in pieces ... so it is now the bright shining Christmas tree of my house!

  3. i cant tell if you are being serious. but, with my keen sense of......sight, i was able to figure out that the picture you took wasnt taken in your living room bc the tree isnt directly by your tv. so, one would lead me to believe that you are indeed telling me the truth.

    i should be a myth buster. duh.

  4. wait, what? it is my living room, but i fouind it in the attic, i didnt buy it, it was just lying up there collecting dust ... so i brought it down and made use ofit!

  5. oh it doesnt look like your living room! in your house here? nuh uh, bc your tree is not that close to the cant put the tree in front of the fire place...

  6. i found the source of confusion ... its in my living room in my house in Auburn! ... haha

  7. ohhhh. i knew that wasnt your house here. i was thinking, 'you cant put a christmas tree in front of a fire...' haha.

  8. well ... generally you cant if you want to keep your house from burning down ... but otherwise, i guess you can put a tree in front of the fire place ... ?
